Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekly News Feb.8-Feb.12

Although February is a short month, it sure is packed full of excitement!  We will begin and end this week with celebrations!  Today we are celebrating our 100th day of school with a variety of activities, including making 100 Day hats, a special 100 day snack mix, stacking 100 cups, and racing against the clock to complete a multitude of tasks in 100 seconds.  On Friday we will have our class Valentine's celebration.  Feel free to send in completed Valentine's at anytime throughout the week.  If you would like to make a special "mailbox" at home you are welcome to; we will also make Valentine's bags on Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
February 8th: 100 Day of School Celebration
February 9th: 1/2 Day 11:30 Dismissal
February 12th: Valentine's Day Celebration
February 17th: Field Trip Permissions slips due back Feb. 12th!
February 25th: 1/2 day 11:30 Dismissal
                       PSC Family Night at Funset Boulevard
February 26th: NO SCHOOL
February 29th: Family Night

Reading:  We will continue to focus on monitoring our reading to check if the words we are reading Look Right, Sound Right, and Make Sense.  We will spend a few days really practicing how to know if a word sounds right by using the way we talk to think of words that sound right and finding words that would complete the sentence.  We then then revisit our persistence power from a few units ago to remember that when we get stuck we can use LOTS of strategies to notice and solve tricky parts: letter sounds, picture cues, meaning of the text, what sounds right, looking for chunks you know, and many more!

Writing:  We will be kicking off a whole new genre of writing this week!  We will begin to explore the power of persuasion as we learn that the words we write can influence others to pitch in and help when needed.  To begin this work we will be looking for problems around our classroom and school and finding a way to write about them to make others aware that they need to be solved!  Some of the ways we will write to persuade will be through books, signs and petitions.  This is a powerful unit for Kindergartners and certainly amps up their motivation to write!

Math: In math we will complete some fun 100 day activities and will take some time to review for and take our Unit 3 test.  We will also be introduced to some important concepts we will focus on in Unit 4, one being finding and recording the partners of 10.  Stay tuned next week for additional skills that will be covered in Unit 4.

Science:  Our Wood and Paper unit is off and rolling!  Last week we learned that different types of wood come from different types of trees and plywood and pressboard are made with pieces of wood and glue.  We also conducted three experiments focusing on if/how wood absorbs water, if wood sinks or floats, and how we could make wood since.  Who knew wood could be so exciting!  This week we will be experimenting with sanding wood and making our own plywood and pressboard.

Word Work:  We will continue to practice the sight words: with, new away, down, do.  One way to practice fluency in reading or writing sight words is to have your child "race against the clock."  Challenge your child to see how many sight words he or she can write, how many times he or she can write just one sight word, or how many sight words he or she can read in a certain amount of time.  Your child might even challenge other family members to a sight word duel!

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